GK Crossword No. 54 (DT)
by Medusa


An early form of sextant (9)
10 Assumption made for the purpose of argument (5)
11 Long narrow flat-bottomed boat propelled by sculling, traditionally used on canals of Venice (7)
12 Member of a European military unit formerly composed of heavily armed cavalrymen (7)
13 First Greek letter (5)
14 Plucked with the finger (of instruments in the violin family) (9)
16 A phrase first used in the 1840s to denote the understanding between France and Britain (7,8)
19 Inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin (9)
21 Small homopterous insect that sucks plant juices (5)
22 French for "hello" (7)
23 Lover of Cressida (7)
24 A sharp narrow ridge found in rugged glaciated mountains (5)
25 An ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia (9)


Asian republic which became independent in 1971 (10)
Hold firm to one's ideas; not draw cards in poker (5,3)
Capital of Columbia (6)
Indonesian island; programming language used to write applets (4)
A meeting planned at a certain time and place (10)
Tropical tree with yellow flowers and long brown seed pods (8)
Plant with clusters of yellow flowers (6)
The last word of the Bible (4)
14 A self-governing island associated with the United States (6,4)
15 Magical command used by Ali Baba (4,6)
17 Common non-metallic element that is normally a colourlessodourlesss tasteless inert diatomic gas (8)
18 The point in the orbit of a planet or comet that is at the greatest distance from the sun (8)
20 A small light basket used as a measure for fruits (6)
21 Sightlessness (especially because of a structural defect in or the absence of an eye) (6)
22 Scottish for fine, grand-loking (4)
23 Food fish related to the mackerel (4)


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