ESL Crossword No. 13
by Medusa


Place in an office where you sit and work (4)
Two pieces of bread with cheese or ham, etc in between (8)
Had an accident (7)
10 Not dirty (5)
11 To do with numbers (12)
14 Long period of time (3)
16 The colour of mud (5)
17 Not night; 24 hours (3)
18 Place to keep food cold, a fridge (12)
21 Musical instrument with keys (5)
22 Time when the sun sets near the beginning of the night (7)
23 Money, gold, silver and jewels (often buried in the ground) (8)
24 Mr ---, funny character played by Rowan Atkinson (4)


Last month of the year (8)
To begin (5)
Black --- white, in --- out, up --- down (3)
Books which tell you what words mean (12)
Country. Its capital city is Dublin (7)
Part of the body that has fingers on it (4)
Carts with one wheel used to carry things in the garden (12)
12 In the same direction as - "we walked --- the road." (5)
13 Chemical element, atomic number 1 (8)
15 Not bad, OK (7)
19 Two times (5)
20 Place; notice; mark on skin (4)
22 Organ of hearing (3)

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