ESL Crossword No. 19
by Medusa


Person who steals at sea, Long John Silver was one (6)
Smoothed out clothes (6)
Not false (4)
10 Brother, sister, uncle or aunt etc. (8)
11 Independence; liberty (7)
13 To draw a picture in colours (5)
15 Does some work for someone to make it easier for them. (5)
17 School subject about animals and plants (7)
20 Fizzy fruit drink (8)
21 You use this and a knife to eat with (4)
22 A place which gets no rain, the Sahara is one (6)
23 Floor covering (6)


A piece of glass which you look at to see yourself (6)
The part of your head where your eyes, nose and mouth are (4)
Part of the house where you sleep (7)
Holy Book of Christians (5)
A game in which you kick a ball (8)
A place where you go if you are good, not hell (6)
12 A person who finds new places, Marco Polo was one (8)
14 When there is no noise (7)
16 The number of players in a 5 down team (6)
18 A piece of land around a house often with flowers, trees and grass (6)
19 The planet we live on (5)
21 Fields and buildings for growing food, keeping animals, etc. (4)


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