ESL Crossword No. 39
by Medusa


Dad (6)
Paper tubes used to drink with (6)
Grown-up (5)
Freedom; The Statue of --- was a present from France to the USA (7)
10 The person in charge of a ship; the most important player in a team (7)
11 Not dirty (5)
12 Instrument for looking at the stars (9)
17 Unhappy (5)
19 Not professional (7)
21 Something used by people who want to smell nice (7)
22 To draw a picture in colours (5)
23 Examined, tried out, checked (6)
24 A person who asks for money in the street (6)


Country, capital Paris (6)
Brass instrument (7)
More (5)
Main ingredient of cigarettes and cigars (7)
Think the same (5)
An expression; present participle of say (6)
The view that you can see; a type of painting of hills, trees, etc. (9)
13 Green salad vegetable (7)
14 Time of day between the afternoon and the night (7)
15 A small figure operated by strings like Pinocchio (6)
16 Author (6)
18 Types, kinds of (5)
20 Fruit such as a Granny Smith or Golden Delicious (5)


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