ESL Crossword No. 48
by Medusa


Moving on ice (7)
Rich part of milk (5)
0º of latitude (7)
Thoughts (5)
10 Language of Caesar (5)
11 Hard rock (7)
12 Evil (6)
14 In need of food (6)
17 African quadruped with a long neck (7)
19 Children's toys which are like little human beings (5)
22 Over (5)
23 Estimated, imagined, reckoned (7)
24 Tunes, melodies (5)
25 School subject where you study the things which happened in the past (7)


To take something without permission (5)
Grown-up (5)
To an extreme degree (7)
Place to keep your car (6)
Country whose capital is Beijing (5)
Part of the day after the afternoon (7)
A puzzle, something that cannot be explained (7)
12 American Indian tents (7)
13 Drawing or a film made with drawings (7)
15 Take your clothes off (7)
16 How long something is (6)
18 Gives food to animals (5)
20 Rope used by a cowboy to catch animals (5)
21 Unhappily (5)


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