ESL Crossword No. 54
by Medusa


Loving gesture (4)
Woodwind instrument often played by children (8)
Cars, lorries, buses, etc. (8)
10 Midday (4)
11 Gun (6)
13 The Atlantic and the Pacific are both --- (6)
15 Something you don't want anyone to know (6)
17 Puddings (6)
19 Rotate, turn round and round (4)
21 The day after today (8)
23 List of days and months (8)
24 A piece of writing which is not prose (4)


In the same way (8)
Casual upper garment (1-5)
Spoken test (4)
Tool used for cutting with two blades (8)
A mixture of copper and tin; third-place medal (6)
Emperor who played the violin while Rome burned (4)
12 Distance from the Equator (8)
14 Most common gas in the atmosphere (8)
16 Athlete (6)
18 Continent (6)
20 Kind of fruit (4)
22 4th planet from the sun (4)


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