ESL Crossword No. 57
by Medusa


Not very tall or not very long (5)
Way in (8)
Valuable yellow metal (4)
Person from the country north of the USA (8)
10 Place of learning (6)
13 What you might see on the door of the toilets for females (6)
14 Be owned by; fit in (6)
15 Truly (6)
18 Moving through the water (8)
19 Part of a zoo to hold animals; place to keep a pet bird (4)
20 "Talk --- to the dozen" means to talk a lot (8)
21 Part of a garment below the waist (5)


Epic, out of the ordinary; very brave (6)
Small apartment; artist's workshop (6)
Packet, package containing a present (6)
Divide; not together (8)
A person in authority (8)
Game played at Wimbledon (6)
11 Capital of Finland (8)
12 A piece of decoration for a room (8)
14 Small trees (6)
15 Feel sorry for something (6)
16 A person who shoots arrows, William Tell was one (6)
17 Myth (6)


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