ESL Crossword No. 76
by Medusa


General feeling that some desire will be fulfilled (4)
Being able to wait calmly when there is a delay (8)
Unusual (4)
Adhering (8)
11 Instruments used to talk to people a long way away (10)
14 European country, capital Athens (6)
15 End (6)
17 Instrument used to do maths (10)
20 Chemical element, atomic number 1 (8)
21 The outside end of something (4)
22 Enjoyable, nice (8)
23 Song of praise to God (4)


Acquisition from past generations (8)
Running side by side but not meeting (8)
Writer of a book (6)
Unbelievable, amazing (10)
Hard part on the end of a finger or toe (4)
They can be fried, scrambled, boiled or made into an omelette (4)
10 People who watch a football match (10)
12 Anniversary of being born (8)
13 Unlucky number, 13 (8)
16 A surface where a film or pictures can be shown (6)
18 Large boat (4)
19 Lazy (4)


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