Across 8/10 Opera
by Paisiello (1782) and by Rossini (1816) (3,6,2,7)
9 Having six sides (9)
12/11 President of Zimbabwe (6,6)
13 A tube filled with powder which burns then explodes (5)
14 See 32
15 Dry white Italian wine from Verona (5)
16 One of the capitals of Bolivia (2,3)
17 Elliptical, egg-shaped (5)
21 An inhabitant of Cape Province descended from Dutch speakers (4)
22 French cardinal and minister to Louis XIII (3,2,9)
24 60s and 70s folk band who wrote the theme music for the BBC TV series Take
Three Girls (9)
26 An instrument for measuring work done (9)
28 1883 romance by R. L. Stevenson (8,6)
31/39 Winners of the 2000 European Cup, beating Valencia 3-0 (4,6)
32/14 Village in Rutland, SE of Oakham (5,6)
33 In logic, a self-evident truth (5)
35 Freshwater carnivorous mammal having webbed and clawed feet and dark brown
fur (5)
39 See 31
40 Transient cessation of respiration (5)
41 Old Testament prophet (6)
42 The islands in the southwestern part of Oceania (9)
43 Relating to an economic theory stating the necessity for a measure of
public control in the economic affairs of the state (9)
Down 1 Threadlike
structure that carries genetic information (10)
2 The ---, Sunday newspaper founded in 1791 (8)
3 --- Garbo, Swedish actress who won a special Oscar in 1954 (5)
4 Old name for Iran (6)
5 City of the Rams soccer team (5)
6 A formal legal opinion of a Muslim judicial body (5)
7 Supporter of the later Stuarts (8)
10 See 8 Across
11 See 12 Across
18 Species of succulent shrub or tree of tropical Africa and Arabia such as
the desert rose (7)
19/38 West African country, capital Freetown (6,5)
20 Winding-sheets (7)
23 Island in Carmarthen Bay near Tenby (6)
25 An Italian restaurant (9)
27 1976 film by David Lynch (10)
29 Winner of Wimbledon men's singles 1968-9 (3,5)
30 An area in Germany around the upper Elbe river (6)
31 Most luxuriously elegant (8)
34 Desert region in SE Ethiopia bordering on Somalia (6)
36 Small terrestrial viper common in northern Eurasia (5)
37 Indonesian method of producing designs on fabric by covering with wax (5)
38 See 19