Across 1 Curly-haired
dog (6)
5 The ---, 1910 ballet music written by Stravinsky (8)
9 The second largest city in France (10)
10 Musical instrument (4)
11 US field game (8)
12 Arthur Daley and Terry McCann TV serial (6)
13 Proverbially, what you mustn't put all of in one basket (4)
15 Former province in NW France (8)
18 18th century dandy; pasta shape (8)
19 Deep unconsciousness (4)
21 Gilbert and Sullivan work subtitled The Town of Titipu (6)
23 American Indian game (8)
25 A distant sun; a famous actor or actress (4)
26 Columbus's flagship (5,5)
27 US state, capital Little Rock (8)
28 Isca Dumnoniorum, in Devon (6)
Down 2 City
and port in southern Japan (5)
3 Digestive disorder (9)
4 Old Testament prophet (6)
5 Las Malvinas (8,7)
6 Herb; girl's name (8)
7 Marc ---, singer of T.Rex (5)
8 The second largest city in the Netherlands (9)
14 Roman professional combatant; Oscar winning film (9)
16 Largest city in Alaska (9)
17 Wonder of the world at Rhodes (8)
20 Musical interval of eight tones (6)
22 Trunk artery (5)
24 River in Paris (5)