Across 1 Short-sighted
4 To conquer or overcome (8)
8 Professional male dancing partner and escort (6)
9 Designed for high-income consumers (8)
10 Echinoderms characterized by five arms extending from a central disk (8)
11 --- Tuesday, Pancake Day (6)
12 The --- Rats, Bob Geldof's group (8)
13 Poem of 14 lines (6)
15 Greek goddess of wisdom (6)
18 Judas's surname (8)
20 Muppet frog (6)
21 Short-tailed furry-footed rodents of circum-polar distribution with a
reputation for suicidal leaps (8)
23 Italian restaurant not famed for pasta (8)
24 Suggestive of sexual impropriety (6)
25 City of northern Morocco at the west end of the Strait of Gibraltar (8)
26 Universe (6)
Down 1 A
member of the Zoroastrian priesthood of the ancient Persians (5)
2 In computer science, a series of instructions (9)
3 Highly seasoned Spanish sausage (7)
4 Ralph, British composer (7,8)
5 The goddess of divine retribution and vengeance (7)
6 Portable case for writing fluid (7)
7 Small fish Pachymetopon blochi (9)
12 Place with a bad record or reputation, often for road accidents (5,4)
14 Type of daffodil; beloved of Echo (9)
16 Field of view, where the sky meets the ground (7)
17 Phoenician goddess of love (7)
19 A finely woven white linen (7)
22 Toboggans (5)