ESL Crossword No. 10
by Medusa


Not easy (9)
Pull another car with a rope (3)
Fourth month (5)
Make something unclear, to mix up (7)
10 Geometrical figure which is round (6)
12 Holy book of Christians (5)
13 Fleshy organ of the mouth (6)
14 Got through an exam, didn't fail (6)
17 Room in the roof of a house (5)
19 Passage to lungs in the front of the neck (6)
21 Popular John Lennon song (7)
22 Not sad, pleased (5)
23 Past simple of ´get` (3)
24 Rock made of the bodies of dead sea creatures (9)


The first word in a letter, --- Sir (4)
From another country (7)
Sick, not well (3)
Brothers of your mother or father (6)
UK Prime Minister at the moment (4,5)
Thick short digit on the hand (5)
Friday night to Sunday (7)
11 Winston ---, Prime Minister of the UK during World War Two (9)
13 Buying and selling (7)
15 Liquid used to wash hair (7)
16 Small river (6)
18 Cooked bread, often spread with butter and/or marmalade (5)
20 Lebanese port; rubber wheel on a car or bicycle (4)
22 I have, you have, she --- (3)

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