Across 1 Eight-armed
creature which lives in the sea (7)
5 Item of women's clothing (5)
8 One more than eighteen (8)
9 A person from the north of Great Britain (4)
10 Move in time to music (5)
12 Soft thin pieces of paper used to blow your nose, for example (7)
13 Farm animal which gives milk (3)
14 A very tall building or part of a building (5)
16 Something for a child to play with (3)
17 Money, assets; city which is the seat of government (7)
18 Poetry (5)
20 Back of neck (4)
21 Sentiments, emotions (8)
24 The number of goals in a hat-trick (5)
25 Everlasting (7)
Down 1 Had,
possessed (5)
2 Metallic element, symbol Sn (3)
3 Sick person; very tolerant (7)
4 Look (3)
6 Meet; a casual meeting (9)
7 Fulfil, gratify (7)
11 The Times is a famous one in the UK (9)
12 Bathroom drying cloth (5)
13 Large hard-shelled nut with a white inside (7)
15 Turn round and round (7)
19 Artist's picture support (5)
22 Seeing organ (3)
23 A religious woman (3)