4 Irritate (3)
8 Medieval brass instrument (7)
9 Glowing fragment (5)
10 Happening (5)
11 Parallel relationship (7)
12 Headlong rush of people or animals (8)
14 Turn sharply (4)
15 Silent; dumb (4)
16 Conscious, thinking (8)
20 Undirected train of thoughts (7)
21 New book! (5)
23 Supple, flexible (5)
24 Howl (7)
25 Price paid for service (3)
1 Admittance (6)
2 Domesticated (4)
3 Circus tent (3,3)
4 The taxman (6,7)
5 Meat cooked on a skewer (5)
6 No longer in use (8)
7 Supplication to God (6)
13 Set off (8)
15 Metamorphic limestone widely used in buildings (6)
17 Fleshy organ of the mouth (6)
18 Rudder lever (6)
19 Heartbreak (5)
22 Ampule (4)