Across 1 Creator
of Jeeves (1,1,9)
9 Maid-of-all-work (9)
10 Chest bone (3)
11 Girl's name from the Greek (5)
13 Remorse (7)
14 Ship's treasurer (6)
15 Playground item (6)
18 Aver (7)
20 Artist`s support (5)
21 Actor's hint (3)
22 Make an identical copy (9)
24 Welsh rugby player with 63 caps (1,1,1,8)
Down 2 African
antelope (3)
3 Browbeat, make to feel inferior (7)
4 Express (6)
5 Ultimate Greek character (5)
6 Catches unawares (9)
7 US science fiction writer, one of his novels was filmed as Blade Runner
8 US blues guitarist who died in 1975 (1-4,6)
12 Ridiculously low in price (4,5)
16 People who have been honourably discharged from public duties (7)
17 Friend one writes to (3,3)
19 Pointer (5)
23 Weapon (3)