Across 1 Weeps
3 Capital of Indonesia (8)
9 Sour-milk product (7)
10 Large black bird (5)
11 Eskimo hut (5)
12 Kidnapper's demand (6)
14 Dynamite or TNT for example (4,9)
17 A follow-up (6)
19 Colour; cuttlefish (5)
22 UK principality (5)
23 Early childhood (7)
24 Contrite (8)
25 Mistiness (4)
Down 1 Window
in roof (8)
2 Ring-shaped roll (5)
4 Thrust obtained from a stream of fluid (3,10)
5 Sacred book of Islam (5)
6 Italian dough cases with savoury filling (7)
7 Uncle`s wife (4)
8 Wild enthusiasm (6)
13 Mb (8)
15 Mischievous goblin (7)
16 Become bony (6)
18 Distressed (5)
20 Black and white bear (5)
21 Exchange (4)