Across 1 Got
it! (6)
4 New World composer? (6)
8 Hooded snake (5)
9 Astrological house (7)
10 Able to pay debts (7)
11 Thrust forward (5)
12 Early form of sextant (9)
17 Sober, grave (5)
19 Result (7)
21 Maintenance paid to divorced person (7)
22 Smell (5)
23 English city (6)
24 Protein catalyst (6)
Down 1 Cut
out duty? (6)
2 German measles (7)
3 Rascal (5)
5 Ice cream flavour (7)
6 Rule (5)
7 Doghouse (6)
9 Epic folklore (9)
13 Young frog (7)
14 Environmental science (7)
15 Country lands (6)
16 Tranquillize (6)
18 Nimble (5)
20 Retinue; coach (5)