Across 7 Ludwig
---, Austrian philosopher (12)
9 Embarrassment (7)
10 Milky juice of rubber plant (5)
11 Caustic (4)
12 Political programme (8)
15 Suicidal attack (8)
17 Pottery oven (4)
19 Hurdle; underground chamber (5)
21 Salt or ester of nitrous acid (7)
22 Aram ---, Soviet composer (12)
Down 1 Metallic
element (8)
2 Complete direction change (1-4)
3 Shelter for a dog (6)
4 Set or keep apart (7)
5 Actual words of a book, etc. (4)
6 Greek philosopher (11)
8 Peter ---, Russian composer (11)
13 Not copied (8)
14 Unelaborated (7)
16 High point (6)
18 Bleak (5)
20 Mormon State (4)